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Sunday 13 May 2012

an unpublished note i wrote 3rd of Jan 2011

Ok so “God” is a belief system or symbol.
He is something comforting and superior to all human leaders. He is perfect in every way, and he is always there. That is the assumption.
This notion of “god” was created by humans themselves, via books, authors, myths, legends, to comfort and nourish the human need for an ever constant love and support and leadership.
Humans need a leader that will never fail. No human could ever fullfill those shoes, so what do we do? Create this huge thing called. . . GOD
Ok so Africans understand that when you believe enough
You can manage to levitate
Walk on fire
Do all sorts of crazy stuff
And go unharmed, arrive safe bla dee bla
So, if you believe with no grain of doubt, full force belief, things come true
god is true and real for a lot of people
he is a myth/legend come true for a great many people,
because they NEEEEEEEEEED this constant love / support / perfect leadership

however, if you look at it from a logical reasonable stand point, you realize that God is in fact a created phenomenon by man himself, just like a television show, to placate a sense of unrest or anxiety or worry or whatever.

similarly if you are grieving say your husband, or your aunty, and you NEEEEEEED her/him to be back in your life. You CRAVE, or you feel this enormous sadness because they are not there, the human mind creates a presence that placates this need, but it is made up just like a television show. See TV fills your need for gossip, and social drama, all the needs formed by old “village-style” communities, where all the latest social drama fullfills this need. nowadays when people don’t feel such a part of a community perhaps, they turn to TV ie neighbours, for social drama/gossip, and this fulfils the need. you see the similarity?
I bought a book for my mum about the human brain, it describes that the human brain is so powerful, that if I was simply to believe/expect to develop schizophrenia, then I would. However I believe steadfastly in myself, and my capacity, and nothing gets in the way of that. I believed I would get into my uni course, and what happened? I did. I believed I would get above 80. And hwat happened, I did. Your expectations and what you THINK wil most likely happen, form your reality bubble. Like I talked about in my uni essay about reality.
You understand now? I believe in the fact that people create things to help fulfil their spiritual/emotional needs, however what binds all people together, and is physical concrete and real, the human body, the human body language, the basics of culture, and hope for the future, is far more powerful than any “THING” created by humans to fulfil a need. every human on earth has eyes, ears, nose, mouth, arms, legs, feet right? Every human on earth can think of their national anthem, or exactly what kind of things their people make (ie sculptures, pottery, art, food etc). and every human reaches for some deep sense of hope that everything will turn out ok in the end. Those keys are what connect every single person upon this globe to each other, and to connect each person, to form a community of intellectual relation to each other of that sort, would create THE STRONGEST PROTECTION AGAINST ANY THING. You think you feel safe with your family? Because you are connected to them blab la. Imagine if every person on earth was part of your family. Imagine if every where you go you feel safe, happy, trusted, trusting, hopeful, happy, welcomed, accepted, loved. This isn’t some religious …. Stuff…. Trying to be respectful. This is humanism in basic form. Thing IS humans aren’t like that. Humans don’t trust people that easy, humans are greedy, want power, want money, want want want want want want. Never stop wanting. And THIS is why there are social rules, like don’t have sex on your first date, he’ll think you’re desperate, don’t slurp your soup he’ll think you’re rude on your first date, make sure you wear a suit to your interview otherwise your prospective employer will think you are a slob, no sex before marriage, never tell lies, never murder other humans,
all this STUFFFFF
is there to help humans be more family like, and less jungle/animal/war like.
To me I …. Feel…. That events in time are very important. And choices define events. You WILL get wet if you forget your umbrella when there’s a thunderstorm predicted. You WILL Get cold if you forget your jacket going out to a party. You WILL make a mistake if you don’t consider all consequences inherent, via taking your time.
I am going to say something that might freak you out, I have seen a path in my mind, a goal, or a way forward, a hopeful daydream, of what might be. Its just a daydream. I made it up inside my head when I was doing some serious thinking. But it might happen. I’m not going to tell you a single thing about what that daydream was about, because that might change everything. Everything happens naturally in due time. But I understand that a lot of exact events, exact occurrences, a lot of chance meetings, and random events, happened to bring me and you together. And if all of those random events lead us to where we stand now, then why should not future random events lead us to a way forward?
I love thinking about time, and random events. Think about cogs, or how clock machinery fits together, every spike on the cog connects to another spike on another wheel. The second cog only turns because the first cog is turning. Without the first cog, the second cog would not have turned. But what made the cog turn in the first place? Did someone turn an engine on? Did somebody push the machine? Did someone simply turn the first cog with their bare hands? Who chose to cause the first cog to turn, and why did they make that choice? What exactly was it in their life during that time, that made them turn the cog? What events in THEIR life caused them to turn the first cog, which then helped turn the second cog, which then turns the third cog, the third turns the fourth cog, and so on so forth. A ripple effect of cogs turning. Each cog does not turn without the previous cog turning first, and the first cog would never have moved unless somebody made a choice to make it move. So the cogs probably fit inside some larger machine, and when all the cogs have turned, or are turning, the machine can do its work, and help somebody do something big and helpful in their lives. I decided to turn your first cog mateo. And all the other cogs started moving from that first cog moving. And eventually a machine some sort (ie. Some sort of emotion or driving force) will start if nobody decides to purposefully stop the cogs moving.  And the “machine” or driving emotion or force will help do something big for somebody’s life.
Does that make sense?
that is what I believe in. your choices define what happens in your life, in the time that you have. Everything that you do, will turn a cog small or big for somebody else. And everything that everybody else does, turns a cog small or big in your life.
nature has been around since before humans ever existed, therefore it was not created by any god, it is not maintained by any god, since god was created by man. it exists in itself, as it always will if the environmental conditions are right. This is why I believe in nature.

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