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Wednesday 28 March 2012

another one of those things that I write every now and again

So I’m back, but really I don’t feel like I’m back cause so much has changed that well nothing feels the same.  Not quite. I’ve been hearing a few well placed queries for a note, or something like that. So I’m here trying to cobble together something that will sound good and all that. All I can think about is what I’m trying to do for my own life, I mean I’ve been focussing on my own life for quite a while now… bit selfish really isn’t it? In my defense this is what normal people usually do, focus on what is going on in their own life. Really when I think about it I just go “why on earth did I think it was a good idea to take responsibility for what, oh only the world, and all its problems”? Not that I have given up, I mean I have not been living under a rock, well not quite… I know about the Arab spring, and the health bill stuff in America, and all the problems with the business running the government in America, and generally criticism for Julia Gillard, the whole thing between Gillard and her people and Rudd and his people. Umm what else? The mining tax… Honestly I dunno much about all that. I should watch more news shouldn’t I? I do get the dregs of dad watching his daily news, so I know about all the floods, and the cyclones, and stuff… And um… frankly I dunno really what to do about it…. I mean I feel a little silly about this whole thing. Like how am I, some girl from outta town, who hasn’t even finished uni yet, supposed to be connected to all this? On the other hand I feel all too connected sometimes, it gets scary. Anyway I don’t have much to say except just to reiterate the basics in a world like this. Love is the most important thing in life, if you have some love, go spread it round, and remind yourself everyday that you are lucky to have so much love around you. I mean I am pretty lucky myself to have such a loving family who supports me. And just take that extra second to think about how you can increase the love in the world, even in your own backyard, or your own community. Love isn’t just about kissing your wife goodbye, or kissing your kids goodnight, it’s about taking care of each other in a community sense, about dedicating some time to do something for others, not for your own benefit. There are some people out there who do forget to give themselves some love, so on that note don’t forget to take some time for yourself and remind yourself of who you are, where you come from, and why you love the way you are. Another important thing is friendship. All of this stuff really just ties back to how we are all connected, and never forgetting that we are all part of this thing we call humanity. And we all should take responsibility for our little section of the world, and hope that the rest follow by good example, that some of that goodness might spread a couple continents, hopefully.
In Buddhism they ask if your hand was hurt you would go “ouch” and set about mending it asap, right? Well they say that humanity is one big “body” and if you think about that body as, arms, legs, brains, muscles, arteries, all separate from each other, then it is kind of backwards, you would never ignore a bleeding leg if it was part of you would you? They say the same about humanity. We are all one, and we should all do our bit to take care of the greater good, or the greater health of that body.
Also meditation doesn’t have to be something weird and unknown, or forbidden. I mean it’s just focussing on stillness, and peace and quiet, and learning the slowly building benefits those moments of stillness have on your mind. It just goes back to the whole we are all running around busy doing all this stuff that we have to do. And yeah of course you gotta get it all done, but you can spare five minutes just to stop and breathe and smell the roses cant you? Just to take a moment to appreciate the fact that you are breathing and continue to breathe.
And also in respect to my sensitivies, there are times when it is appropriate for me to use these, and times when it is inappropriate. I haven’t quite learnt how to control these things yet, but I am learning, slowly. In the mean time please don’t dump me in the deep end and expect me to swim, just go about your business as usual, and I can conduct business as usual too. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate any support given, I’m just saying it can be a little overwhelming sometimes.
Oh and on the point of being overwhelmed, some people may have it in their heads that I am fearless. Ah well see I have perfected the art of seeming fearless, seeming peaceful, even seeming normal, but think about a duck floating on the surface serenely, paddling away furiously with its legs underneath the surface. Hmm yes well I’m a little bit like that. Not always, but usually.
Anyway, in response to the immense feeling that people are beginning to fight for what they believe is right, I think you are doing a good job, so well done, you deserve some good karma coming your way.
Oh and that reminds me, a certain male, he knows who he is, no his name does not start with m, rather it starts with d, he may not read this, but someone who knows him will, and will tell him, he tried to do what he thought was best this past weekend, and he got some immediate bad karma sent his way as an uncontrolled unintended result. I’m just telling you now, your intentions were good, but the act was unnecessary because I always feel the full blow of my karma one way or another, so you needn’t have worried about it  : )
So just quickly don’t forget to be loving, be forgiving, believe in friendship, and accept all the beauty that you have in your life, because regardless of who you are, there is always beauty in life, become familiar with it and you may just be on the path to steady happiness, rather than immediate happiness which is not long lasting.
So I hope you all have a good day, and continue to fight and believe for/in the truth and the good path. Never give up!
All the best in every way
Ps. Don’t expect these things I write to be regular again cause I’m not really sure I have much more to say about anything. I think it’s all been said.

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